I thought I read one place that CD ALBUM sales are actually up from a few years back, but CD SINGLE sales just plummeted to nothingness. So that they clump these two figures together and you can now say that you are selling way less CDs. However, your album CD sales are actually up since file sharing took place. I will try to find this later.
When I bought CDs a lot I got a whole bunch of crap. I would hear one or two songs I liked and get the CD and then one more might be of equal quality but the rest just got skipped. That just sucked! Also, I know a lot of people got singles, but now you download that one descent song and save $4.
The RIAA should have jumped on the p2p bandwagon when the rest of us did. The Apple Music Store should have opened in 1999 or 2000, but they sat on a damned good thing and let the rest of us have a little power. They are going to have to kick and scream to get that power back...I think I hear them yelling right now.