Thread: Mac or PC
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Old 06-28-2003, 09:31 PM   #14 (permalink)
Originally posted by bermuDa
if you're serious about computers, there's no contest... Macs are pretty, but that's about it.
Oh god, where to begin.

Men are braindead apes, but that's about it...
Women are bitches but that's about it...
Jews are cheap but that's about it...
Gays can cut hair but that's about it...
Christians are judgemental pricks, but that's about it...

Come on man, really. Would you mind taking at least a shot as seeming to have an informed view? Do you walk around your entire life taking a similarly tiny view of things? It must be an easy life being able to base everything on stereotypes and not having to rely on that troublesome insightful thinking.

Yes, Macs are pretty, but dispite the stereotypes, form and function, brains and beauty can exist in the same entity. The underpinnings of MacOS is built on Unix. That would be Unix. Unix... as in the system that goes back to the 1970s... the one that nearly every large company at one point or another had a major part of their infastructure built upon (including systems owned by Microsoft)... the one that makes the internet actually work... the one that is at least at the root of the software used to run this very site, thus the one that lets you get your porn and put forth completely uninformed opinions such as the one above...

BTW, the hardware in my Macs come from several different companies. The only thing that is propriety are the motherboard. Harddrives, memory, video cards, audio cards, input devices, monitors, PCI cards of many types, even processors are available from a number of companies for the mac.

As for your friend, my guess is that there was no real loss of sleep over him leaving.

Last edited by terit; 06-28-2003 at 09:34 PM..
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