i had dragonwarrior for my nintendo, and i got all the special equipment (armor, sword, whatever. i don't really remember) before i was supposed to. i wasn't a high enough level, and i entered the last castle before i was strong enough to win the game. oops. anyway, i'd love to go back and beat that game.
there was a game on the pc a while back called 'betrayal at krondor,' too. i got pretty far but stopped playing for some reason. i'd love to go back and finisht that, too.
for the playstation, i had a game called lunar. i could never kill the last boss. argh!
then there's neverwinter nights. i was addicted to the game for a while and got about halfway through it before, for some unknown reason, i just stopped playing completely. i want to get back into it, but i'm kind of afraid to get sucked into that again. i was playing it all the time. all the time.