Our terminology of Black and White is just so Farked up, its ridiculous. I am from southern Louisiana and I can introduce many of you folks to some of the lightest skin color (not albino) people, who are what is racially called "Black". The question is what does it matter? But to answer your question:
This is one the even the most religious, caucasion bible thumper seems to forget....there is a scripture in the bible (sorry I can't remember it exact passage) but it describes Jesus. It says that Jesus "had skin of bronze and hair of wool". It is safe to assume that Jesus would have looked like a typical middle easterner, just because of where he was born.
If you start to follow the history of religious artifacts, some of the earliest sculptures and paintings of the holy family did not depict them of a "white" descent, but as chritianity started to expand, more and more of the church heirarchy started to push for a whiter Jesus.