Now on to my roommate this year. I knew him from down the hall in the dorms last year. He was a cool guy and everything when he was in the dorms, but not so much once we had an apartment. He signs the lease, likes the huge size, and the location of it being a little bit away from campus, and away from all the drugs, alcohol, and constantly busted parties. There's a bus that go straight from our apartment complex to campus, and it's the cheapest place in the city (which I need coming from a low to middle class family only being in collage due to high school grades and government financial aid). My roommate is happy living here for a month or so, but he thinks he's having trouble making friends in his classes (when he has a number of friends). He often blamed this on us living so far away from campus and in a non-party environment. So he's debating ditching me on the lease and going to live in the dorms again, or ditching me on the lease and going back to Texas for school, or staying in the apartment. I went from month to month wondering if I was going to have a roommate the next month, and if he would pay the rent that he's legally responsible for the next month. I even went home for Christmas not knowing if he'd be back for the spring. I can't afford to pay any more than my half of the rent, so him leaving would mean me dropping out of college to pay the rent, and then suing him for what he owed me, and he knew it.
Since his main reason for wanting to leave was because he wanted to make friends, I took him with me when I hung out with my friends. They all liked him to where they became better friends with him than with me (which was fine with me since it caused him to stay in the apartment after all). So this semester he's back at the apartment, and was no longer thinking of moving out. Things were going well until he started hanging out more with Asshole (yes, the same guy that put me though hell last year). He had always remained friends with Asshole (since Asshole didn't treat his friends like he treated his roommates).
Just before this, I kind of had a falling out with one of my friends that Ian had become good friends with. The falling out took place when the rich bastard made extremely rude comments about me and how poor I am. I'm no longer hanging around with the rich bastard, but we don't hate each other and can still talk and stuff. My roommate still hangs out with the rich bastard, so my roommate started to pick up the bad qualities of Asshole as well as the bad qualities of the rich bastard. This came easy for my roommate, being spoiled and rich also while growing up.
So my roommate and I go apartment hunting for next year, closer to campus but still within my low budget. We were not having much luck finding anything I can afford, but I was still trying very hard to find a place I could. So then when I did, he stabbed me in the back and told me that he was signing a lease with Asshole next year. At this time, he also started being a rich asshole to me.
Then a sewage pipe broke and a small part of the dinning room and living room carpet got wet. My roommate and I had to drop everything on a test day for us both, and move all of our furniture out of our living room and into the bedrooms, kitchen, and back of my old truck. Then we couldn't stay there for a few days while the apartment complex cleaned it up and replaced the carpet. We were told that we'd be able to move in on the next Saturday afternoon after they were done installing new carpet, and to expect a call from the complex on that day. My roommate and I agree that we'll make sure we're around to receive the call and then move the furniture back in so that we can resume our lives (or in my case, resume my studying in peace). But that Saturday, the rich bastard (who's also an ass who only is concerned about things that directly affect his money or his fun) decides he wants to go 4-wheeling in the mountains in my roommate's truck.
So my roommate goes 4-wheeling all day out of reach of his cell phone service, even when he knows he was had a responsibility to be around to help me move the heaviest furniture on the planet back into our apartment.
My roommate calls me three hours later and says knows he had a responsibility to be helping me move the furniture, but that he was going to go get some food and hang out with the rich bastard some more first. Since he and the rich bastard were having fun, he didn't care that I was forced to move all of the furniture back in alone. He then walks in 3 hours or so after he called me (6 hours or so after he was supposed to be helping me) and then doesn't understand why I'm annoyed with him. I wasn't mad, only annoyed.
He then proceeds to get pissed off at me for being annoyed with him for putting his fun before his responsibilities, and is pissed at me because I had finished moving all of the furniture and wasn't willing to wait until 9PM to start moving back in. So I get yelled at and chewed out because he's too stupid to put his responsibilities first and then refuses to accept the consequences of his actions, which was only me being annoyed at him. He blew up in my face about it and his bad week and starts blaming every bad thing that's happened in his life this year on me (none of which included me at all). He yelled and screamed at me until he became physical to where if he had hit me one more time I would have beaten the shit out of him and then had him arrested for domestic violence. Since I didn't press charges, we can still tolerate each other most of the time. A little while after my roommate is done yelling at me, I was chewed out by the rich bastard about being wrong in expecting my roommate to put his responsibilities before their fun. So my roommate and my former friend think that he’s right in thinking that he can do blow off his responsibilities and do whatever he wants without having to face the consequences of his actions. Thank God the lease is up at the end of May.
You wanted to hear true roommates from hell horror stories, so I hope that satisfies you.
"People say I'm strange, does that make me a stranger?"