Jesus Freak
Location: Following the light...
I had a roommate from hell last year in the dorms. The dorms here are so overcrowded that they put three of us into what used to be an old two-person dorm with a bath. The old one person rooms had two people in them also, so being in a three person room with a bath was a good deal, since you got more space than everyone else, and you're own bathroom. One of the guys was cool. He'd do his part of the cleaning, study and do stuff, didn't smoke weed like practically everyone else on campus, and was respectful when you're studying. The other guy was a complete bitch. I refer to him as asshole.
First we give him the most space and the best position in the room (the area away from the door that has the least distractions from everyone going in and out all the time). He had the largest amount of space in the room, while I was shafted with the smallest amount of space. All of the furniture was provided by the university, couldn't be removed, and crappy to the point that some of it was falling apart. Asshole was stuck with the left handed desk due to that being the one in the nice part of the room that he had taken for himself, and asshole didn't like it. So throughout the first semester, he kept trying to steal my desk and switch it with his. Luck for me, he never got far in the act before I caught him. He also tried doing that to the other roommate. Then there were the problems with the chairs. All of the chairs were falling apart, and I just so happened to have the most stable one. So asshole and asshole's friends kept stealing it and leaving me with his average one (average considering the conditions of all of the chairs in the dorms). I took it back, since he had no right to take it without asking. If he had asked in the first place, I wouldn't have given it to him due to him being an asshole to me all the time anyways. He didn't try this trick with the other roommate because that guy's chair was even worse. The cool roommate received a new one from the university only when his broke on him and his leg was almost impaled.
Then there's the cleaning. Asshole refuses to clean anything at all. This caused tons of arguments due to a strong believe I have: You used it, you clean it. So being in the only dorms on campus with a bath, we had to clean our own bathroom. On top of him not ever cleaning it, he was a very dirty person, so his part of the room and the bathroom after he used it were filthy. That's not all gets worse.
Asshole liked to debate, but he didn't really know how to debate. So instead he started arguments and fights, often over things like if Hitler was a bad person/leader, and he'd always take the side of Hitler. So he was a neo-nazi.
Then there was his music. He didn't listen to modern rock or techno or any good classic rock. He listened to the worst classical music the planet has to offer. I like classical, but this stuff was HORRIBLE! The only rock he'd listen to was "oldies" or "classic rock," (And I like classic rock, so no offense to anyone else that like that type of music) but the bands he played were one-hit-wonders, or no hit wonders, and there was a very good reason for that. That rock was not worthy of being called "classic rock." Then there were the marches. I'd walk into the room and he'd be blasting some sort of upbeat march, and a really bad one at that. One of his favorites to blast was a German march from WWII that had Hitler giving a speech throughout it. It was horrible. And then there was his polka! That was horribly bad as well!
So if his case in music wasn't bad enough, asshole wasn't respectful or decent at all! He would blast his music when we're studying, and if you asked him to turn it down, he would turn it down one small, not noticeable click on his stereo. Then if you asked again, he'd get pissed off at you and say he already did. If you turned it down for him to a volume you could tolerate more, but still loud, he'd get pissed and turn it up higher.
One weekend while I was at home (I love being an in-state student), my cool roommate had his extremely hot, extremely nice roommate over for the day. They went partying that Saturday night, had a number of drinks, as everyone does when you party with the rest of campus, and were hung over in his bed the next morning. Asshole woke up at 8am that Sunday morning. Asshole, being completely disrespectful, proceeded to put a polka cd into his stereo and blast it practically as loud as the stereo gets. Then he went into the bathroom, closed the heavy door (so that there was sound proof cement and a close to soundproof door between him and the room with the music), and turned on the shower. Now when I say he blasted the music, this means that he could hear it through the practically soundproof walls and doors, and over his shower. So the cool guy got up and turned off the music, which had instantly given him and his girlfriend (both hung over) horrible headaches. The two of them tried to go back to sleep. Asshole finished his shower, and when he came out, yelled at the two of them for turning off his music. Asshole thought that "it was his right to be able to hear his music in the shower" through soundproof walls whenever he wanted.
As if all that combined with his indecency towards us, his friends were assholes too, who thought that they could order us around in our own rooms. They also thought that we had no authority over them when they were in our dorm room. So when we tried to kick them out for them being jackasses, they'd get in our face saying that since it's their friend's dorm room, we have no authority to kick them out. His jackass friends had no respect for our stuff or us either.
The cool roommate and I tried to get asshole kicked out of the dorm room by talking with the RA and Hall Director about all of the things he'd done that weren't decent to us, and some of which were breaking the dorm hall rules. But asshole had made sure he was buddies with the RA and Hall Director so that he could do anything he wanted and not have to face any consequences. He was a liberal fucking arts student in an engineering dorm, which tried to drive us engineers out of the dorm. The only thing that made living there tolerable was having a good roommate on my side against him. But asshole drove the cool guy out of the room by the semester. Then the dorms were so overcrowded that I couldn't move out because there were no other rooms available in the engineering dorms, or any of the dorms for that matter. So it was just asshole vs. myself for the rest of the year. That year I was living in hell.
"People say I'm strange, does that make me a stranger?"