I've got two bosses, a Chef who makes the kitchen I work in run, orders food, does schedules, budgets, and all the other work. He's the most understanding, laid back, and skilled person I've ever worked for. Then there's the Executive Director. No one's really sure what his job is, other than to stand over my shoulder and quiz me on classical cooking methods and waste my time making stocks and sauces from scratch when I have 300 homeless people to serve dinner to in half an hour. I've heard stories of how he'd take cooks out to a public coffee shop to loudly chastize their work, thrown pots and pans around and has been sent to anger management classes. With me being the 7th cook they've had to hire in 6 months, the rest of the staff has made upper management know that they will all walk out the next time he has a 'rage attack', the Chef included. So I'm lucky management knows who the real problem is.
But I'll agree with the article 100%, I can feel my blood boil every time the director has thrown 8 turkeys in front of me and said 'make stock' and then watch as I try to do that along with all my other duties.