Originally posted by The_Dude
bull crap. remember how quick were y'all to attack the belgian govt (in the politics board)??
look @ our own laws.
appeal and resteraunt will win.
But they won't win on appeal. This is something I am very familiar with as a Board Member of our state liquor dealers association. Many states have laws called Dram Shop Laws. A Dram Shop Law makes the seller responsible for what the buyer does - a few industries are singled out like this for such treatment. In addition to our industry look at the ridiculous suits against gun manufacturers and dealers for what an end user eventually does with their product. Before some of you jump to defend this type of law ask yourself if Ford should be sued because some idiot bought a used Ford off a used car lot and ran over someone. There is no difference. Transfer of guilt by legitimate business association makes no sense at all.
Life isn't always a bowl of cherries, sometimes it's more like a jar of Jalapenos --- what you say or do today might burn your ass tomorrow!!!