Restaurant Ordered to Pay Couple $39M
Fri Jun 27,12:41 AM ET Add U.S. National - AP to My Yahoo!
MUNCIE, Ind. - Jurors ordered the corporate owner of an Outback Steakhouse to pay $39 million to a couple severely injured when they were hit by an allegedly drunken driver who had just left the restaurant.
David and Lisa Markley filed the complaint against the restaurant in 1999, two years after the accident.
The lawsuit alleged that the driver became intoxicated at a party celebrating the restaurant's grand opening. After he left the party, his car crossed a highway center line and collided with a motorcycle operated by David Markley.
Markley suffered broken bones that left him unable to return to his factory job. His wife, a passenger on the motorcycle, suffered internal and leg injuries that required more than 40 surgeries.
"She's in constant pain every day of her life," said the couple's attorney, Michael J. Alexander.
Attorneys for the restaurant chain said they expected to appeal.
Some witnesses said alcohol was served free to guests at the grand opening. Others said they paid a dime each for mixed drinks and beer.
The Muncie restaurant is one of more than 600 owned by Florida-based Outback Steakhouse Inc.
This one made my blood boil.
It combines the two trends that I despise most in today's society:
1.) Blame someone, anyone, even if the blame should not be attached to that party.
2.) Award impossibly large settlements for pain and suffering.
I'm not sure how much pain and suffering you need to go through for 39 million, but you can sign me up for it. Gladly.
These people were probably worth a couple hundred thousand - and although its a shame they can't go back to work, I someone don't think they would have made thirty-nine million if they did.
Notice how people never try to sue insolvents? For some reason, I'm not quite sure why, these people always look to sue people/corporations that have money. Hmmmm....
I feel strongly that this is an unjust outcome. Outback Steakhouse should carry no blame. This is shocking -
but the guy who hit them should carry the fault. I don't think its a restaurant's job to police its customers. How do they know who is driving and who is not? It's your job and your job alone to make sure you can drive.
I applaud Outback for fighting this in court, even though it appears they lost. Too often these companies are willing to just settle, and it gives people like those in the article easy money.
Am I the only one that wants to go give a good kick in the ass to the jurors in Indiana?