I was spanked as a child. Hand, belt, switch. There were few occasions when I did get spanked but when I did I deserved it. Either acting up in the store or yelling/talking back to my dad. I never got any bruises or blisters. They didnt do it to hurt me only to show me what I was doing was unnacceptable. And it worked. I cant remember getting spanked past the age of like 6 and even before then they were few and far between.
I did make one mistake though. I once ran from my dad when he tried to spank me. What did he do...sat there.. he knew I had to come bcak sometime. Never did that again.
Will I spank my children. I can't say for sure now because I'm not close to that situation yet but I'm sure if I feel its necessary I will. I've seen the results of the "you cant have tv/phone/computer for 2 weeks" discipline and it doesnt work. I watched my parents do it with my sister but it always turned out with my sister whining and begging till a few days later they gave in and let her have it back. Next month it would be the same thing. I think thats one of the reasons my sister is like that today, she never learns from her past experiences.
"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself." -- Tolstoy