Maybe if they would drop the price on the damn cd's more people would buy them! There is a lot of stuff I would love to have but I won't get because it is fifteen to twenty dollars! It sucks! I would buy so much more music if they would just drop them to like ten bucks. The funniest thing is why are they not attacking the used cd industry? The is much more money involved with selling used cds than downloading, and they see not a dime. At least with some of the downloading, a few people go out and buy the cd's.
But when you have artists like the Rolling Stones that demmand an entire flloor of a hotel, you aren't going to lower your prices. Don't get me wrong, I am not bashin the Stones because I love their music. I am just sayin it is one big vicious circle and no one wants to give in. It sucks! I think it will get a lot worse before it gets better! It's not about the music anymore and that is a damn shame.