I agree with the death penalty in theory. The idea of punishing some horendeous crime with the execution of the criminal is not something I would have a problem with.
However, ultimately I would have to say that I am against the death penalty, due to its practacality. You can never be absolutely 100% sure that your suspect is guilty. at least if many years down the line your prisioner is found guilty, you can release him. Sure he has lost ten years of his life, but its still something. If new evidence comes up after execution, what can you do? Issue a heartfelt appology to the relatives?
Also, there appears to be a lot of racism inherrent in the system in America. I don't have any statistics on me, and I'm not trying to start an argument, or accuse anyone. But it always appears that there is a disproportionately large amount of black people on death row. Perhaps this is due to a higher rate of crime among black people. Or perhaps it is that more black people are found guilty? Again, not trying to throw out wild accusations, but its still something that must be taken into consideration.
However, I too find myself cursing about lienint sentances. I belive that life in jail should mean LIFE in jail. i.e you are put in jail, where you remain until you die! None of this being released after 12 years bullshit. Life should mean life! I think that judges are far to lienient altogether (over here at least) and I really think that they should have more balls when it comes to handing out sentances for "sucessful" people who are have been caught out as being tax evading, corrupt pieces of worthless shit!