your english is actually extremely good - i certainly understood everything you tried to convey.
chicks are difficult, and you shouldn't feel ashamed for your feelings towards this girl - especially since she was definitely telling you that she held similar feelings as well. a previous poster said that you should try and maintain an amicable friendship with this girl, and I would agree. i would also say that you should probably try to let go of any attachment related to being with this girl. you don't have to stop loving her; love is a beautiful thing; but you should probably not actively pursue a romantic relationship with her for the time being.
being in love is really tough because people are so vulnerable when they fall in love, but, although it is cliche as hell, it IS better to have loved then to have never loved at all.
i also think that if you are capable of having really deep feelings for this girl that it is likely that you will fall in love again, hopefully with a girl who is located closer to you and who will treat you fairly...
best of luck.
nothing to see here