The thing that keeps me motivated right now is a girl.... well.. four girls actually. Mostly just three though.
My recent ex is one.. but not a big one cause i don't really care what she thinks of me. The next time i see her i want to look good though, like anyone who sees their ex's. She said all this stuff about not liking 6 packs (which is what i want to get back) so i guess that's probably why i don't care what she thinks.
The second girl is this girl that i'm going to meet today for coffee (chocolate milk). I don't know why she's part of the motivation. I am meeting her for business. Maybe it's because there might be a chance that i really like her or something...
The third girl is my ex from just over a year ago. I haven't seen her in a long long time and she really hurt me, so being in great shape with results that show would be a good thing for the next time i see her.
The last girl is the girl of my dreams.... i think it's obvious why i want to look good for her. She is also in great shape too, and she's the hottest girl in the world!!!!
Either way, i am mostly motivated because i want to look good. I do want to feel good too, but it's mostly the looking good part. I guess for me, the health factor is secondary, improtant, but secondary to the looks factor. I have enough motivation to keep it up for a long time though.