You are all missing the point, but it doesn't matter anymore.
I was just confused why the hell they decided they didn't want MY hair cut the way it has been cut for the last 15 fricking years. It doesn't make sense, If I were asked to change something for a friend, even if I liked it the way it was before, I'd still help him.
Derwood, I actually cared very little about my hair or what anyone thought of me. Thats why I didn't care to let them cut it when they said they didn't like it. It didn't bother me either way.
The only reason I say that I am never cutting my hair again is because It dawned on me that the one thing I didn't care about(my hair) ended up being the thing that made me question my 'I don't care what you think' Attutide.
“It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick” - Dave Barry