I support the death penalty. The one thing I don't like is letting them sit around and live 10 more years before their sentence is carried out. It should be immediate, and if they have to wait a bit, it should be in total isolation with no food or water. This could be seen as torture, but if you received the death penalty in the first place, you damn well deserve it. I see it this way, think of all the wonderful people who die every day. I'm not talking about victims, but just random people. My brother was killed in a car accident, and he was a far better person than most people I know. Why can peices of shit murderers and rapists (they should get the chair too) live while so many great people die every day. I know they had nothing to do with these deaths, but they certainly don't deserve life. I view life as a gift, and some just can't handle it.
A subtopic of this. The mentally ill. Why do we put people do death? They are a viewed as a threat to society. If a person is so ill that they make themselves a threat to society to the point of murder, why are they treated any different. I know that sounds cold-hearted because "it's not their fault," but is it the fault of their victim? Or the victim's family?