People that are against spanking are quick to make children out to be miniature adults. People that are for spanking are quick to make children out to be nothing more than household pets.
Spanking is a viable punishment, but it should only be used as a "final solution" when a child is totally out of control. If you spank a child a lot, they'll just start to believe it's part of the daily routine and won't associate it with what they did wrong.
Not to mention that if you teach a child that they "have the right to do as they are told" you are only teaching them to become a drone. It's easy, it's convienent, and it makes them much easier to manage, but I for one am glad that my parents never told me that (even though I was spanked once or twice). Breaking out of the "drone" mindset once you reach adulthood can be a violent and chaotic procedure. Why else would some children who are so well behaved through their teenage years then die of alcohol poisoning their freshman year of college? Or drive drunk and hit people? Or suddenly lose the scholarships they worked so hard for?
edit: by "a lot" I mean something that is used on any sort of a regular basis. As in, more than a half dozen times per childhood.
Last edited by komodo; 06-25-2003 at 09:40 PM..