Originally posted by Shujin
My situation wasn't exactly the same as this (my g/f was out of highschool but not going to a post secondary) and i can say that we made it through the first year just fine. However i will never forgive myself for the time i lost talking to her on the phone, time i could have used to be socialzing. Now that we've broken up i realize how much time i wasted on her. So i guess my advice is that you should be very sure about what you want, and also to realize that time spent in a relationship is not always time spent strenghining a realtionship. Oh and one last thing, my two motto's
1) you want it? you got it.
2) Shit happens.
remember those and there's not much in love or life you can't handle
Exactly what I would've said.
At 17 and 18, you don't know what you want. Get out there and look. Your one and only probably didn't grow up in your hometown....Taste the fruit 5 hours north and see how it is.