Originally posted by rusholmeruffian
Ho hum. More RIAA nonsense. It's a shame they are so uptight about this shit. If they paid attention to how the internet has been successful in selling music (iTunes, anyone?) and stopped complaining about piracy, they might be able to resurrect their industry from its slow downward spiral.
While I agree with your assessment that the RIAA isn't at all using the internet to their advantage, I would argue that allowing free file sharing of copywritten material isn't exactly helping them out either. Whether they get their shit together and embrace the internet's file downloading capabilities or not, they have to stop free trading of their music.
CD prices will never come down as long as people are downloading the albums for free, so it's a big Catch 22. People say they download cuz it's too expensive to buy, and yet the CD's will remain pricey because of all the downloading..