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Old 06-25-2003, 12:02 PM   #1 (permalink)
Once upon a time...
Us Media has not the spine it was born with. Discuss

London independent article

(Too long imo to reproduce here)

Synopsis: The British Media is more willing to attack its leaders than the US Media. Interestingly, the root of this difference is seen as a remaining belief in the reliability of the office of the Presidency and Government in general.

My thoughts
Interesting. I have enormous criticisms of the Fourth Estate. I think that as a group they have never lived up to their ideals in an important way. They remain a fundamentally flawed and critically corrupt element of society.

The US Media strike me as infinitely worse than any other free press. The cancerous partisanship that tears American society up
is resident in it fetid splendour writing puff pieces about criminals and ignoring important facts while US Homeland "Security" scares everyone into place.

America is a land of great opportunity and wonderment, but she has fallen in love with her corporations and left her people behind.
Her real voice, the Media, is controlled by, what, 5 companies? All of whom are major Bush sponsors?

end rambling

Q1. a) read the article and (optionally the rant after it) and think.
b) read any replies.
c) The reasons stated are i) true ii) untrue iii) other. Discuss,
giving examples.

Please do not attempt to shout others down or be obscene. Engage brain then type. You have 3 weeks. You may begin.
Man Alone
Abstainer: a weak person who yields to the temptation of denying himself a pleasure.
Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary.
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