I had a roommate from hell, he never bought food so i had to end up hiding my food and locking it in my room. He brought friends over who didn't like and would steal my food just to piss me off. He stole weed from me (The only thing I knew he did and could prove, but is illegal
) and wouldn't clean a damn bit. He was drunk 24/7 and was an ass to my friends. After I moved out of that apt I moved into a "friend's" apt in the same complex, she ended up turning me into managment for smoking pot with my friends, WHILE she smoked pot with us! She left out that she was drunk underage and high as hell with us, got me kicked out of that apt, now I am waiting for new roommates, I should be good with the new ones, I can't wait... hopefully I won't have a horror story from this next place.