I am speaking as a semi mature adult with no kids and no prospects of any in the near future.
Spanking should only be done if the spanker has their emotions under complete control. Many people do not know what a surge of adrenaline can do to their fine motor control.
Spanking should never endager the child physically or emotionally.
Spanking is a physical expression of how the parent is dissapointed in the bad choices made by the child, but the child is reassured at that time and a lot of other times that they are loved and will be despite what they do.
I am sure I was spanked as a small child in a minor way, but I don't remember it. The key is, that I never doubted once that my parents would spank me if they I deserved it. I knew that I could not play them against one another.
I was there to see beautiful naked women. So was everybody else. It's a common failing.
Robert A Heinlein in "They Do It With Mirrors"