Word of the day June 25
The Word of the Day for June 25 is:
henotheism • \HEH-nuh-thee-ih-zum ("th" as in "think")\ • (noun) the worship of one god without denying the existence of other gods
A little more information about today’s word:
"Henotheism" comes to us from the German word "Henotheismus," which in turn is derived from the Greek "hen-" ("one") plus "theos" ("god"). Someone who engages in henotheism worships one god as supreme over all others. Max Müller, a respected 19th-century scholar, is credited with promoting the word "henotheism" as a counterpart to "polytheism" ("belief in or worship of more than one god") and "monotheism" ("the doctrine or belief that there is but one God"). Müller also offered the related word "kathenotheism" for the worship of several gods successively.
My sentence:
During certain periods of Egyptian history, the pharaohs and their subjects practiced henotheism.
Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, 10th Edition.
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