Originally posted by bundy
in Australia, we just cannot avoid this circus.
his different hairstyles make our major news bulletins.
I concur with bundy.
In the last two weeks the press down here has made out as if the Beckham transfer was one of the biggest things in European Football history. They failed to mention that half the Real Madrid team was transferred for more!!!
In Australia, most people know him due to his increased presence in the press here as opposed to the US - I think the Spice Girls have something to do with that...but I digress...
In football terms, Man U did a good thing moving him on at this point in his career. A player of his calibre at their peak is a valuable commodity - they will replace him with several world class players over the summer to consolidate certain gaps that emerged in the squad last year (please note they still won the Premiership!).
A player like Beckham can only disrupt a squad if playing in the UK - in Madrid he will fit in nicely under their other superstars and be "just another teammate". Sir Alex is a genius.