hey, sorry i haven't posted in a bit. i'm really not sure how to make this work, so if anyone has any ideas, i'm all for them. i was thinking, at least to start, maybe seeing if someone who posted a poem we like in tilted lit. might be willing to let us turn it into a song.
so so far we have:
me: guitar or bass
cheese: death metal growling
flyman: looks like you can do it all.
pornisbadforyou: the triangle (maybe the cowbell too? hehe)
ramones!!!: drums
h2ogo69: bass
motorbreath: bass, rhythm or lead guitar
ratherthanwords: guitar
so however we do this (and i'd really like to take this beyond the conceptual stage and give it a real go), i'd like for everyone who wants to participate to be able to, but i'm not really sure how to go about it with multiples of some instruments (ie. drums), but i'm sure that can be worked around. only other thing i think we would need is a singer that can do melodic stuff, and then have 2 singers. feel free to IM me about how to get this to work or anything else with music. AIM: Mael Odur