Great book, read it years ago.
If you really want to throw your noodle for a loop
try "Infinity & the Mind" by Rudy Rucker or his "The Fourth Dimension"
Within math, you can somehow figure out the definite,
because you have set up the environment.
Within reality, you will never have an absolute definite,
because I all depends on the scale observed.
Only if you precisely define the scale, then you MIGHT be able to get a definite...
but then you are going back to mathemathical definitions, not reality.
This is one of the reasons Calculus was invented, to be able to handle the infinite variables and the scales & ranges.
The math & science are tools to help you categorize, model or "encompass" the object you are observing,
but this is not reality.
But if you are being real, then there is not real way to absolutely do it,
because of the scale is always reduced for measurement purposes,
thus is the whole idea behind "Chaos Theory"