Originally posted by gov135
Am I the only one that thinks people shouldn't put their homes up on the edges of swamps with alligators?
I don't see how you can blame public officials who are only doing their jobs the way they are told (by taxpayers themselves). Maybe we should ticket people with "two small infants" that live near ponds with alligators. Then my tax dollars wouldn't need to go towards capturing alligators, police responses, etc.
I understand that Florida is one big cesspool, but come on, what idiot with small children decides to set up shop here?
If its fresh water in FL it probably has a gator in it. You cant completely avoid being near them down here. Hell Ive had friends find them in their swimming pools.
As for calling 911 being quicker thats a bunch of crap. It takes what...maybe a minute (probably less) to get a rope out of your truck and tie a loop in the end. Ive been to Tavares before and if i remember right its not a very big town. Whats the average response time for cops in a little town......maybe 3-5 minutes if your lucky?
Glad it was that guy and not me. I probably would have been in jail or getting a bigger fine than $180 for running the damn thing over.