I am often described as a happy individual. There are different levels to happiness. You cannot truely experience great happiness without great sadness or loss. The more you have something to compare to the more intense the emotion. I have been through some things that were very traumatic but now when I look at what I have achieved and where I am in life I am happy. True happiness is not based on current circumstances but an inner decision to choose to be happy. Just by smiling at someone you can cause them to smile and they will often feel a surge of happiness. The emotion of happiness is such a objective emotion that it is impossible to say that you are or are not completely happy. As for complacency I don't think you should be complacent. I would never have finished my college degree if I had been. I had a goal and I reached it. The satisfaction gave me happiness BUT I had to allow myself to experience the happiness. There are some people that no matter what good thing happens to them they are not happy from it and only want more. Greed causes you to desire things but Greed is never satisfied or happy. Happiness that lasts is a self-chosen state of mind and not dependant on circumstances. Even if you were to try to wipe out all desires in order to be happy you are doing that because you DESIRE happiness. It's contradictory. Be content, be happy, and be ambitious as you choose to be. It can all happen simultaneously. Just my opinion.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.