06-24-2003, 06:08 AM
#28 (permalink)
Real advice (I just used this technique successfully):
- *The second you know this test is coming, stop smoking smartass. Don't make the situation any worse than it already is.
*If you have more than a week warning, spend the next few days running/burning fat like crazy. Four days before the test, don't exercise at all, but load up on the fatty foods (burns off some of the THC remnants in your fat cells, then seals the rest in to a certain degree). Load up on the protien, creatine, and Vitamin B as well.
*The day of the test, start drinking a gallon of water and a good quart of some kind of cranberry juice (I've found that those juice mixes work fine, though you want to have a mix that is decidely heavy with cranberry juice). Start with the water about four hours before the test, cranberry about 2 or 3. Make sure to be peeing when you get the urge, you want to flush your system out.
*Take a vitamin B complex, or one with B-12 about four to two hours before the test. About two hours before the test, take four aspirins (assuming you don't have any heart conditions and/or stomach problems). Aspirin has been found to produce false negatives, but if you're worried about taking all this aspirin, the dilution method should theoretically be enough to help you out.
*At the test, top off your bladder a little bit before leaving a sample... never put the beginning of the stream in the cup. You want the stuff from the middle of the stream; it'll have the least polluted urine.
Anyway, I hope this is helpful to someone, and isn't too late to help anyone out.