It's gonna hurt me to say this, but
That has to be one of the most self-centered, Boomer-attitude, down right STUPID things I've ever heard anyone say.
I hope his kids remember he said this, later.
Old people die because there's no alternative. If we had a way to preserve a decent quality of life, there'd be no reason for them to do it other than the physical limits. I think Mr. Lamm should immediately kill himself to increase the net intelligence of the world.
If old people lived longer and healthier, they couldn't spend the whole time retired, that's true. They'd have to start a new career, perhaps doing something other than what they used to, but they'd have to become productive again. Maybe every 60 years you can take 10 or 15 years off, then you go back to work.
So far, it hasn't been an option, but then my great-grandparents died by their 60s (at best). My grandparents died in their 80s and 90s. I've no idea how long my parents will live.