Originally posted by KWSN
I think that that's too far to take it, as I've already outright told her, I'm engaged. On many occasions, too, actually. It went kind of like this each time:
Her: So, how's life?
Me: Oh, great. My fiancee and I are doing really well.
Her: (rushed) 's nice.
She totally blows it off when I mention it, and it's just not getting through to her. As far as a sexual harassment suit goes, I don't feel like it's really come to that. If she pushed me in a janitor's closet and started unbuttoning my shirt, then THAT is too far. But what she's done at this point, while I'm personally not at all thrilled with it, I don't really think merits that, just yet at least.
My idea so far is to just say this outright to her, so that the point really gets across to her, that I am engaged, and I think that everything is perfect with my fiancee, and that I really couldn't want anything else in the world. If she wants to be my friend, fine, I like making friends. But it can't go any further than that, ever, because I just have no desire whatsoever to take it there, and I really just don't want to. At all. I am so happy right now, I don't need anything on the side. If she doesn't want to be friends with me after that, and she was in it solely for a chance to fuck me, then she can go fuck HERSELF instead, because I don't need to associate myself with someone who is willing to tear my life apart just so they can fuck me. Bullshit.
I think you answered your own question here.
Just be direct and up front with her. Honesty can go a long way in situations like that. Be sincere and to the point.
Women often find themselves in this same situation and many of them handle it so poorly. I have many male friends and a few who I had to have this very conversation with and they respect me for my honesty and direct approach.
I find it rather admirable of you to be reaching out to finding a way to address this in the best manner possible. Something tells me you'll do just fine. And IF she gets all bent, well, you don't need "friends" like that anyway.
Good Luck.