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Old 06-23-2003, 03:54 PM   #31 (permalink)
Dragonlich- Granted, this (aborted) action will sour the atmosphere. Misplaced national pride will of course be wounded, and visceral reactions will result. I can't understand how anyone, regardless of the lovely labels everyone is so cheerfully tossing about, left-wing, right-wing, wings clipped, whatever. What is the foundation of this war? The rationale put out by the whitehouse flimsy at best, and full of contradictions.

As far as Sovereign nations not condemning legally the acts of other Sovereign nations' leaders, that precedent was set when Blair arrested Pinochet when he arrived in London for medical treatment.

The Belgian legal system notwithstanding, I enjoy the efforts put forth by those admitted idealists who wanted to call attention to this unjust act.
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