My previous post was in jest and now seeing how people are so accepting of this camp, it mystifies me in a sense.One point that I think is important is that it was stated that these kid's grew up in this atmosphere and experienced it with their parents. Fair enough.
But I can't see for the life of me how teenagers,who are exploding with hormones,have the comprehensive maturity to see the difference between a natural state,sexuality and sex.
These kid's are exposed to sex on television,movies,magazines,the internet etc and have become culturally brainwashed by it to the point where sex is seen as a natural progression in teenager's lives.( Beverly Hill's 90210 or Dawson's Creek ring a bell?) To think that it is impossible that one of these kids isn't going to get aroused or at least have sexual thoughts to any extent, is living in a fantasy based world.
I'm no shrink,but what happens when some kid's of the same age group are more physically mature than others? Will this be the beginning of a sexual inferiority complex for those who may feel inadequate? Have somehow the parents prepared them for their short comings? Will kid's tease other kid's? Afterall, these are just kid's and are no different adolescently speaking,clothed or not.