Originally posted by lurkette
I lost my grandfather in January and I wish I'd told him that I would miss him. I did tell him I love him, and I know he knew that anyhow, but I wish I'd acknowledged that I knew he was going to die. Our last conversation was so awkward - I just couldn't face talking to him about his own death. I wish I'd been more....together or something. Told him that it would be okay, that he had always been there for me and that I respected him and I'd miss him like hell, but that we'd take care of grandma. That I'd miss having someone to talk to about cars, and I'd miss him teasing me for being a feminist and a tomboy. I wish I'd written down all his stories about when he was young. All I could say was "I love you" before I started crying and had to put the phone down.
If he's beginning to forget important things, ask your granddad now to tell you some stories about his life, and record them somehow. You won't regret it.
First of all, I'm sorry for your loss, lurkette. If it helps at all...he knew. <b>All</b> grandparents know. I know what you mean about writing down his stories. My grandfather passed away in 1985. The stories that he used to tell me get fuzzier all the time. There is history there that will one day be gone forever.
So...I would have to second lurkettes response here. Get those stories now, people, before it's too late. Record them, write them down. Even if it's not important to you right now....it will be, one day.