Pacifier: A VERY good post. You do raise some interesting questions. Right now 1800 of Canadian boys are stomping off to Afghanistan to participate in our little tour of UN peacekeeping; here in Canada we seem to take the view that peacekeeping is Canada's gift to the world (albeit, our old PM Lester Pearson did come up with it after Suez and got the Nobel Prize for it). But look at Cyprus; they STILL can't get that sorted out. Bosnia is still a mess, Afghanistan is still a mess, and I find it hilarious that the US now expects Iraq to a) suddenly become a happy, democratic nation and b) that the UN should take over.
Uh, no dice, Mr. President. You snubbed the UN, now its time to pay the piper. You started the war, you finish the peace.
As for the Congo, isn't it interesting to note that the US isn't in there? Things that make you go hmmm...
Pacifier, I think you Germans had a good saying during the final Battle of Berlin back in WW2. "Enjoy the war, for the peace will be terrible."
Hope your boys and girls make it back to Germany in one piece.
Pax Vobiscum.
Workers of the world, UNITE! You have nothing to lose but your silly uniforms and paper hats!!