My dad has always been into computers and lets just say I was very young when I got my first hand me down.
The first computer I actually owned and bought is the one im using right now. I bought it last summer.
DELL Inspiron 8200 Laptop. Its specs are:
Intel Pentium 4 Mobile CPU 1.6GHz
384 MB of RAM
Microsoft XP Home (I know, should have gotten PRO)
Toshiba 40gig HardDrive
NIVIDIA GeForce4 440 GO video card
Samsung CDRW/DVD drive
Internal 56k Modem
2 USB 2.0 Ports
1394 FireWire Port
Network Cable hole thingy
Infared Port
The best Sound Card I could get on it at the time (dont know how to look for its name)
Dont mistake me for a lucky rich kid. I worked my @ss off for this. (granted dad did pay half :}
there is no absolute, only the moment.