Originally posted by Tophat665
Tax self-righteousness.
Love it. Great bumper sticker idea.
Originally posted by sixate
I can understand why you'd say that, but don't you find it frightening that many parents have zero control over their kids? To me that's frightening.
From your stance, it sounds as if as a child you had the experience of being under complete control by your parents.
How was that done? Instilling respect (if so, how ?) Harsh punishment? Fear?
How do you plan to have complete control over your children, if you choose to have them?
I breast fed both my children- which some studies say tends to result in kids with less of a chance of getting fat.
That was the only time I had any semblance of
complete control over what they ate. When food is offered to a baby, he/she can chose to eat it or not.
*Not* means spitting it back at you - repeatedly. As they grow, they become more involved in their food choices and very much more influenced by all around them.
I was a divorced mom - no child support- trying to better myself through college education.
We were poor (subsidized housing, food stamps, et al.)
Even then, things like fresh fruits & vegetables, lean cuts of meat, cost a lot. Try filling up your grocery cart with them now and see what your bill is.
I did keep healthful foods in the house, but about twice a month, my son and I walked to Wendy's, about a half mile away, because he either enjoyed the food or wanted their current promotional kids meal item.
The point is, it was a special treat going out for a meal together, that I'd scraped together $5 to buy us.
Another poster in this thread cited Bennigans and other restaurants of that price range. My son and I never saw the inside of that type of restaurant for a number of years, unless it was someone else's treat.
Fast food is cheap...that is partially why there is a connection between low income folks & fat.
Originally posted by lurkette
Since obesity is really a public health crisis in the US at this point, we ought to expect everyone, fast food and other food manufacturers included, to make it as easy as possible for people to make healthy choices, regardless of the impact on the company's bottom line.
Comment on the on the much quoted *public health crisis.*
Personal example: I carried a lot of weight at several points in my life. Unless I was desperately ill, I wouldn't see a doctor because whether I had the flu or an earache, it was
BECAUSE (I WAS) FAT. A visit to the doctor's office meant belittlement & shame. Trust me, things have not changed. Many fat folks do not seek treatment for diabetic symptoms for ex., because they are afraid of the stupid-ass doctor. So the fat person lets their health condition worsen, until it
IS a crisis.
I agree that being fat is not an optimal condition for one's body- certainly it is not good for one's psyche, given the rampant anti-fat hysteria (found right here on these boards.)
But do you all think fat people want to be fat? That it is simple to lose weight and
Not a single diet has proven, long-term (5 years plus) benefits.
Even self-mutilation through bariatric surgery, Fobi pouch, etc. only has about a 25% success rate long-term and they come with a host of permanent side effects, not to mention it is major surgery, not covered by insurance (that's if a person has health insurance).
Only 5-10% of people who lose weight, have kept it off long term. Weight Watcher's average weight loss per individual over 2 years is
6 pounds.