Closing his laptop, Kurt slid the sleek, black computer into a leather carrying case which he put over his shoulder.
Making sure that he could still quickly reach the 357 magnum tucked in a quick-draw holster under his arm, with his other hand he scooped up his duffel, duster and Nikki's suitcase.
The small hotel room was just one of many that they had stayed in since the death of his sister and her husband.
Nikki was still sleeping, her sweet face scrunched into the pillow.
He would wait to wake her up until he had the car loaded and the bill paid.
Opening the back of the 70 Javelin Kurt tossed their stuff in the car.
The muscle car was his pride and joy, probably the only project he had ever managed to complete without it blowing up in his face.
He had spent counless hours painting and finishing the custom pearl blue exterior.
Now bullet holes pocked the paint job.
Last edited by redravin40; 06-22-2003 at 06:20 AM..