Thread: comp upkeep
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Old 06-21-2003, 11:19 PM   #2 (permalink)
1. (a) Get an apple computer to work on your powerful editing software.
1. (b) If you can't do that, upgrade your RAM, and hard drive.

2. (a) Best thing to do is burn the important stuff (want to keep) and reformat your hard drive and reinstall what you really need. A fresh start so to speak. I recently did it, and the computer runs way faster than before.
2. (b) If you don't want to do that, just follow what your buddies have stated, delete the files you don't need or use, uninstall programs that you no longer use, and run the "Disk Defragmenter" from your Accessories folder. The Disk Degramenter will run quite a while, a couple of hours.

3. Couldn't you get your dad to buy an Apple (make it a family computer) to do all your graphics projects at home while you can be using the Laptop at places outside of the home. Or vice versa, keep the Laptop as the family computer and get a new machine for yourself, whether it is an Apple or PC computer.

By the way, that is a SWEET computer that you have there.
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