This topic brings up a lot problems with our society and how we do things. One problem with the guy don't need millions of dollars! You need about 100K to go to a fat camp for six months and learn to eat a proper diet and join Weight Watchers.
As far as labeling, it only helps if you are conscious of it and know how to take that information and apply it. As stated before, it's great you bought Snackwells at 10 calories a cookie, but going home and eating the bag with "no-sugar" added gallon of vanilla isn't healthy. Also, companies mislabel there food as healthy. Being "Low Fat" doesn't mean it is healthy. For example, Bennigan's(a family type resteraunt and pub) has a "Fit" dessert that is only 6g of fat. That is great, know how many calories? 1000 plus. That isn't healthy! Most people can only eat 1800-2400 calories a day! Super sizing is another problem, you can add almost 700 calories to a meal for 30 cents!
What we need done is several different things. One advertising does need to be changed. We need fat people eating a Big Mac on our commercials, not some skinny little twerp. I think that gives the illusion of being healthy, "If they are fit and eating a Big Mac, so can I" problem. Public schools NEED to teach proper nutrition, I'm not talking something stupid and easy like the food pyramid..I'm talking fool out calorie counting, how to e xercise, and reading information labels. Also, resteraunts need to advertise calorie counts for their food. An Awesome Blossom (its an onion that is battered and fried) at Chili's has something like 2500 plus calories in it!
Most importantly, people just need to want to be thin and diet and take pride in their lives. If you don't have pride for yourself, no government is going to give or teach you too.