Originally posted by ARTelevision
I just don't feel anything is gained by granting people big props for making themselves feel good by taking positions like this - positions which don't reflect any comprehension of the true state of the population and it's general inability to resist multi-million dollar behavioral modification engineering; positions which ignore the statistics; positions which ignore the fact that it is children who are most at risk because they are targeted most highly and succumb most readily; positions which don't deal with the latest studies that reveal fully 1/3 of the nation's youth will suffer from obesity related diabetes before they reach adulthood; and positions which, when this is even acknowledged at all immediately blame bad parenting - another scapegoat that ignores the reality that children are raised by cultures not by parents.
I don't think I'll ever agree with you on this one art. You basically say that parents have nothing to do with their kids being obese and becoming diabetic. If parents were doing their jobs properly they would make sure that their kids ate a well balanced diet. When I see a fat kid I want to punch the parents because what it comes down to is the parents don't know how to tell their kids
NO, and they just give in to every little dumb thing the child wants. I don't think that has anything to do with environment.
Obviously, fast food places advertise and target kids, but every object we buy has a target so how is food different? That's a no brainer, but if parents weren't so damn lazy they would teach their kids what is good and bad for them. When I drive in a busy area where I live i see 6 gyms in a 5 mile stretch of the road. They all advertise on TV and in the paper almost as much as fast food places. So why are so many people overweight? It's rather simple. It's 100 times easier to be lazy than it is to work hard. People are lazy. End of story, and I'll never feel sorry for the weak.