I guess I mostly belong to "Men of power", a Northern philosophical path. It came about when Christianity began to push out the Asatru (tru is actually the way the Swedish word for "faith" sounds like to a native English-speaker). A common question back then was "What do you believe in?", meaning which religion do you belong to.
Men of Power acknowledged the existance of both the Christian god and the Asa gods, but didn't worship any deity at all.
The reply was usually "I am a man of power. I believe in myself, my sword and my abilities".
Since no book I've read have explained the agenda of a specific higher power in a satisfying enough way, what god exists is less important than if my personal beliefs regarding right and wrong can allow me to follow said deity.
John Henry: Asatru is the old Norse religion, with Tor and Oden.
The above was written by a true prophet. Trust me.
"What doesn't kill you, makes you bitter and paranoid". - SB2000