Originally posted by ARTelevision
immediately blame bad parenting - another scapegoat that ignores the reality that children are raised by cultures not by parents.
I am sorry but I DO blame parents. I mean maybe if they drug their kids away from the tv for awhile and shoved a (preferably classic) book in their hands they wouldn't be subject to so many of these mind controling devices.
I do agree that, sadly so, most people just let the sea of culture push them around in the tide. I do however think that, as either one of these rare strong willed people who are able to ignore advertising as a whole or one of the arrogant ones who just denies its hold, we shouldn't be protecting all these people who are just to damn ignorant for their own good. I mean what IS the solution here? Do we allow all these people, who are eating themselves to death either out of Ignorance,stupidity or laziness, to become millionaires and run a (semi) legit business to the gound? Of course I also don't think people should be suing the tobacco industry.