Originally posted by Conclamo Ludus
The fear is out of the fact that Fox news is untouchable in the ratings right now. It would seem that most people don't really care about its Conservative spin. That's what the liberals are afraid of. Personally I think if you get your news from one source only, you're asking for brainwashing. You've got to get it from as many sources as you can and then wade through the BS. Unbiased media doesn't exist.
In all fairness, I see as many liberals/unbiased commentators as I see conservatives commentators on Fox. That I know of, the weekday shows liberal/unbiased commentators are: Colmes, Smith, Susteran vs the weekday conservatives: O'Reilly, Hannity, Gibson and Cavuto. That's leaving two out I've never seen before, and this is just the weekday guys, but compared to the L.A. times there's no comparison in terms of biased media. I think it's just that conservatives there are so much cooler then their liberal counterparts =).