The hardest aspect for me to truly understand is the convergence of the deciding votes being in key areas. Does this mean that minds that think alike flock together? A city is more predominatley liberal than conservative, or other potical persuasion? I understand that poeple win terms because one party gets more than another, IMO it seems the vote across the country seems low because they feel their vote doesnt matter. I understand what is being said about the deciding areas, but that brings up another argument that I saw coming out earlier in this thread.
At first I thought this person was an cold corperate asshole spouting off (he was temping for Rush-who annoys me), but after hearing his whole argument I saw his side made reasonable sense as well:
Those who pay higher taxes should get more votes and if you dont pay taxes you dont vote. As I said when first hearing this I thought the guy was nuts, but he was looking at it in terms of what he is getting for his money. Why should someone who pays $900 in taxes get the same say as $20,000? My first reaction was "yeah so the elite wealthy can run the place", well they do anyway it seems to sometimes. I then looked at it in this sense two people go to the gas pump one pays $1.23 for a gallon of gas and the other pays $5.50 per gallon. What is person B getting any different than person A-nothing just more of a financial hickey. Of course I suppose this gets deep into what the 2 parties are all about.
To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit.- Stephen Hawking