It is straightforward, thanks.
I agree, flaming can be very bad, and it is completely acceptable to prohibit individuals engaging in that sort of conduct on your system. No fights in your house.
But I will try one more time to try and communicate what I am trying to get across.
You are *not* asking for this in the charter. At all. You ask for respect, not civility. You expect everyone to understand what you mean and not what you say. I remember fights with my Mom over the problems with that sort of behavior. I don't like the feeling of having my "Mom" prescribing certain behavior, proscribing other behavior, and me being responsible for figuring out which is which.
Now, if you don't want to even consider changing the charter, that's fine by me. I know what you mean by it, so does everybody else (I assume). Others don't seem to have an issue. But in a forum that relies on the written word without any of the other useful nuances of personal communication (body language, intonation, etc.), having the moderator not be clear in the use of language sets a bad example, and a precedent that the moderator gets to pick what they mean after they see what happens with what they wrote.
Since it is your board (the moderators as a collective, that is), that's your right, of course. I'd just like to see an explaination (or defense) of that position before my concerns are disregarded.
I mean all of this in the best possible way. I know this sounds like pointless nitpicking (quoting the dictionary is sure to enrage, sorry about that - calculated risk vs. reward) but I think it is good mental excercise to revisit from a new perspective some things that we take for granted from time to time. I hope the moderators agree.