Well, since you don't want Verizon, Nextel is second in line, and first for business.
Sprint is fine if you don't plan to travel outside of heavily populated areas and off of major highways (Interstates) The signal is weak inside buildings due to their refusal to use analog signals as anything but roaming. Set a PCS phone to allow roaming, and you'll have full strength everywhere, and pay 45 cents per minute. The roaming signals overpower Sprint's, even in their pathetic excuses for service areas. Don't go for all-digital unless you stay in big cities. Positive poins include unlimited internet access from your phone as opposed to Verizon's system, which uses your minutes while on the web.
Nextel has spotty coverage, but overall has strong signals in most places. They cover where other places don't, like rural areas, or the entire state of Maine. They have a nice range of plans.
Cingular customers who I've asked all seem ready to throw the phone out the window due to service area problems. But they do roll over your unused minutes.
AT&T is better than Cingular from what I hear, but the coverage still can't match Verizon.
T-Mobile is fairly new, and I haven't heard much about them. They have camera phones, and they have GSM phones, which can be converted for international travel by switching a chip in the batery compartment. I haven't heard any complaints, but I haven't heard much about them at all.
I think that covers just about everything.