Standing on the edge of this sheer rock wall,
Looking down at the bottom I just can't jump
I trust these new wings will surely give lift,
the fear holds me back as I hesitate and stall
The last set I had were not built real strong,
I crashed and I rolled to the bottom before
The new that I have are built well and good,
the best material known is what there made of
All that I need is to trust and let go,
but something is holding my feet to the ground
I flap them a bit and I lift just a litttle,
Then stop for a moment to catch my short breath
I know what this canyon holds if I will fly,
but all I can do is step back and wait
Afriad to just fly but wanting it badly,
Praying for peace for this scared timid bird
And as she plays,
her sweet song of laughter
floats through the air
and warms my heart