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Old 06-20-2003, 12:45 AM   #100 (permalink)
Sun Tzu
Conspiracy Realist
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Location: The Event Horizon
Re: The greates gutarists ever!

Originally posted by urgodhere
Its not a horribly long list, but perhaps you can help me lenghten it. I feel that some of the best guitarists that I have heard are:

Yngwie Malmsteen
Jason Becker (hes only 17 and he's fucking awesome)
Vinnie Moore
Steve Vai
Randy Roads

What do you think? Can we add some more?
Jason is alot older now; he was 17 when he made Perpetual Burn. He's definately my #1 favorate. Its too bad what happend to him. Now he composes his music with eye movement, if you havent checked out his site, listen to "Higher".

Yngwie, but not because of his speed; its his vibrato that I'll always love. I dont care for anything after Fire and Ice though.

I agree with Vinnie Moore "Minds Eye" is a great album.

Tony Macalpine

Al Dimeloa

Allan Holdsworth

Marty Friedman
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