I ordered #14 and have #21 (from a soc conference last term).
Maybe you'll move it (#21) up on the list cuz it's relevant to almost all of the issues you and I write about in this section...
Anyway, I also picked up Wrongly Convicted: Perspectives of Failed Justice (if you get this one let me know and I'll point out who my professor is--I still thinks it's cool when someone you drank beers with is cited as "one of the leading experts in the world on American police interrogation pratices, coercive influence techniques, false confessions, and miscarriages of justice.) and In The Shadow of The Prophet.
Anyway, sorry to jack your thread, just wondered about what else you were reading and wanted to recommend those three I just picked up.
To answer you main question: Everytime I've heard Moore speak he states that he's an entertainer with an agenda--to encourage people to search for answers to the issues he is raising.
I don't know anyone who would cite Moore's "data" although many of us (professers, students, etc.) have read and watched his material. Instead, we might use his bib to find primary sources and work from there.
I don't think his intent is to change the "other" side's pov, that doesn't happen even with "solid" facts, AFAIK. My impression is his material is for the average bloke who walks away thinking, "A lot more injuries occur from accidents due to guns in the house than I realized" or "Maybe our economy is based on fear and consumption."
No harm in either of those ideas and I don't see the need in telling Moore to shut it--those of us with carefully researched and presented data still get told to shut it so it's not like his actions are damaging my points or making people who would otherwise listen to me now ignore me.
"The theory of a free press is that truth will emerge from free discussion, not that it will be presented perfectly and instantly in any one account." -- Walter Lippmann
"You measure democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists." -- Abbie Hoffman